#Vi Fritid | Notodden Swingklubb

Notodden Swingklubb

Leder: Gunn-Iren Simensen
Telefon: 911 03 259
Kontaktperson: Laila Huseklepp
Telefon: 907 25 040


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Swing Swing is a healthy, invigorating and fun dance. It’s good for the heart, increases your energy level and your stamina and reduces stress levels – and it’s a fact that a regular turn on the dance floor can help you to lose weight and improve your general health. You will meet new people and make new friends through swing, develop new networks – and dancing improves your general mood and really cheers you up!

Swing dancing – or just swing – is the common denominator for several partner dances that became popular in the USA in the 1920s, and grew into an international phenomenon in step with the spread of Rock & Roll music in the late 40s. There are numerous types of swing dances, for example Fast, Folk swing, East Coast swing, West Coast swing, Bugg, Rock & Roll and many more. Once you have learned the basic elements in swing, such as step walk, touch walk and triple step, you just string them all together in an interlocking whole, just like we do with Lego.

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