Fjordane Skyttarlag

Leder: Svein Bjarnar Nesse
Telefon: 911 33 048
Kontaktperson: Svein Bjarnar Nesse
Telefon: 911 33 048


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In a small arms club team, you get the opportunity to practice practical shooting skills by shooting at targets from different distances. Male and female participants compete in the same class, with the same prerequisite for success. Here, qualities such as the ability to concentrate and mental strength are important in achieving good results.

There are many exciting shooting exercises and track, field, ski run, forest run, pole, field fast and indoor shooting are the forms of competition you will face in a shooting team. In the exercises you shoot with a fine or coarse calibre rifle and range shooting and field shooting are the main activities. Range shooting takes place on fixed shooting ranges where those under 18 and those over 65 shoot at a distance of 100 meters, while the senior shooters shoot at 200 or 300 meters. The targets are round and divided into points from 1-10. Field shooting takes place out in the terrain against various figures at varying distances. In the winter, field shooting competitions are held, while the summer is dedicated to range shooting. Great emphasis is placed on safety and instructors will always be present to ensure that all safety rules are observed at all times.

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Aktuelt språk: Engelsk