Grimstad Seilforening

Leder: Thomas Gjesteland
Telefon: 414 46 418
Kontaktperson: Thomas Gjesteland
Telefon: 414 46 418


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Sailing is when a boat is set in motion using wind power. We usually think of boats when we say sailing, but windsurfing, surf, stand up paddle and kiting are all branches organized under the Norwegian Sailing Association.

Boat sailing can take place in several different ways. The most common is to start with a dinghy, especially for children and young people under the age of 15. A dinghy is a small boat that you can sail alone. Sailing sports are competitions, also called regattas, where one competes in different branches and with different types of sailboats, either alone or in teams. There are various kinds of competitions like sea sailing (offshore) on open sea, fleet or distance sailing, and a field race near the coast or on a lake. Fleet racing is also very popular, along the coast, or to other countries and continents. Both children and adults can learn to sail. Most sailing associations in Norway have sailing dinghies that they use for summer school and courses which can be rented to those who want to try sailing.

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