Vinje Bogeskyttarlag

Leder: Øystein Slåtta
Telefon: 92680067
Kontaktperson: Øystein Slåtta
Telefon: 92680067


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Archery is a sport that aims to shoot at a target using a bow and arrows. The bow is a very old weapon that has been used for hunting and fighting for thousands of years. Today, bows and arrows are mostly used as a hobby and for competition shooting. Archery is also an Olympic branch.

Some bows are made of a single piece of wood with a single bend, while more modern bows are often double bent. The arrows are usually made of metal and plastic. To shoot, place the arrow in the middle of the cord, hold it with you index and middle finger on the cord directly above and below the arrow, and then pull the cord towards your body. When you release the cord, the arrow flies straight ahead. There are different kinds of archery competition such as target shooting, bowhunting and field shooting. The target in target shooting is a circular target divided into ten equally wide rings with points from one to ten. The goal is to hit closest to the center to win the most points. Just like the biathlon, concentration and good precision are important skills when shooting with a bow and arrow.

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Aktuelt språk: Engelsk