Budosenteret - Taekwondo, Karate og BJJ

Leder: Tor Arne Sandholt
Telefon: 90563106
Kontaktperson: Tor Arne Sandholt
Telefon: 90563106


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Taekwondo is an ancient Korean martial art, now a discipline in self-defence and a competition sport. It is an extremely comprehensive form of training, and is particularly noted for the active use of the legs and feet for high kicks and jumps. The sport helps to develop flexibility, speed and self-discipline.

Taekwondo has a holistic approach; to develop the whole person, not just the physical. It is the premises of the individual that are the starting point, making the sport suitable for children, people seeking exercise and those interested in competition. Taekwondo practitioners wear a white overall with coloured belts denoting their skill level. The most important feature of Taekwondo is to win over oneself, and the philosophy is based on values such as compassion, justice, propriety wisdom and trust.

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Aktuelt språk: Engelsk