#Vi Fritid | Røyken O-lag

Røyken O-lag

Leder: Line Drange Ruud
Telefon: 402 41 355
Kontaktperson: Line Drange Ruud
Telefon: 402 41 355


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Orienteering is a sport where competitors use a map and compass to navigate a course through open terrain to get to the finish line as fast as possible. The sport is excellent training in the use of a map and compass.

In orienteering one has a map with a course drawn in, with a number of point-to-point stages one must register at before reaching the finish line. The stages are marked with a flag and located at various points along the route. The terrain one is to navigate is ideally unknown to all participants, and this is why woodlands are often used for the sport. There are orienteering events one can compete in all year round, and one can compete individually or as a team member. Competitions are also arranged as after dark events. This is night orienteering, and a headlight is used to find the way.

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Aktuelt språk: Engelsk